Sustainable creations that showcase the connection between nature and the world that people create.
Fashionshow of Neonyt, tradefair for sustainable fashion in Frankfurt, Germany (24.06.-26.06.2022)
Biosphere meets Technosphere
Neonyt, trade fair for sustainable fashion, opened the trade fair days from 24th to 26th June 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany, with a brilliant fashion show. The multi-label looks from exclusively sustainable and ethically correct manufacturing brands have committed themselves to the motto ‚Biosphere – Technosphere‘ and present surfaces and prints that are reminiscent of organic material and at the same time set futuristic accents with shiny, functional looks.
Naturalistic flower patterns alternate with graphic design elements. Cut-outs and asymmetry determine the cut. Coarse openwork to the point of dissolving moments as well as open edges create very unconstructed, individual impressions as important components. Functionality and outdoor attitudes play an overarching role in the combinations. Buckles, straps, zip and snap button details matter.

„I am delighted to have implemented a great Neonyt Fashion Show with the theme ‚Biosphere – Technosphere‘. Conceptually, we have combined both worlds of staging in the organically sculptural looks that show contemporary avant-garde and extravagant collection pieces.”
Magdalena Schaffrin, Founder & CEO studio MM04, responsible for the conception of the show on behalf of Messe Frankfurt.
The focus of the Neonyt Fashion Show Looks is on connecting nature and its elements of water, air and earth with everything that people create – from infrastructure to architecture, industrial agriculture and the digital world. The collection pieces are made from organic and regenerative materials such as recycled chemical fibers.

Concept & Creative Direction studio MM04 @studiomm04, @mschaffrin
Fashion Curation & Fashion Director Claudia Hofmann Studio @claudiahofmannstudio
Fashion Production Manager Marta Gonzalez @reinadeoros
Styling Alessia Ansalone @alessia_ansalone
Fashion Assistant Benedetta Moruzzi @b.blessed
Sound Slowfoam @slowfoam, Pablo Diserens @pablodiserens
Videography Joachim Baldauf @joachimbaldauf
Show Production Anna Franke @dressoclock, Mari Grube @mari_nolcken
Casting & Choreography Regina Murtazina @rmberlin
Hair & Make-up Dr. Hauschka @drhauschka.de
Patrick Glatthaar @patrickglatthaar, ArzuYoncek @arzukücük, Sebastian Salas @sebastiansalasco
Guest Management Müller PR & Consulting @muellerpr
NEONYT @neonyt.fashion, Messe Frankfurt @messefrankfurt
Photos Toni Passig @passigpictured